Some Black college students at Morgan State University discuss the causes, effects and possible solutions to the problem of mass incarceration among young Black people with their professor Jared Ball.
Some of the students would like to establish an organization that they call (S.A.M.I.) Students Against Mass Incarceration. They would like to address some of the problems that they feel are at the root cause of of this mass imprisonment and the resultant social and economic imbalance facing African Americans in this era. They also want to see this activity spread among other HBCUs and organization inside the Black community.
I recommend that if you have the time to listen to and share, this frank and comprehensive discussion on what could arguably be one of the most important issues concerning the African American family today.
We're in complete support of Students Against Mass Incarceration (SAMI). The work we're focusing on at the Education from the Inside Out Coalition focuses on an essential issue within the system, which is greater access to education while incarcerated. By reinstating the Pell grants and other educational access for the incarcerated, recidivism would be further diminished yielding the desired effects, socially and economically. Please consider joining our coalition, so that we can all work together:
Campaign Video: http://bit.ly/EIOVideo
Change.org Petition: http://chn.ge/EIOPell
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