Saturday, September 13, 2014

Updated!!!! #boycottthehumanzoo - A message to Africans and the African diaspora.

It's time for the Lion to tell his own history and forget the tall tales of Hunter.
Africans the world over have for too long have been having our history handed down by people who really don't have the ability to comprehend the African experience. 

"‘Exhibit B’ recreates, in graphic detail, the lesser known atrocities of colonialism and slavery. Bailey, a white South African, uses black performers to present his fetishized interpretation of the African Holocaust. Images of the exhibition have sent shock waves through the Black community and beyond.

Who are #boycottthehumanzoo?
We are 18,000 and growing we are ordinary individuals and organizations who believe ‘Exhibit B’ crosses a moral boundary and enough is enough!
The petition was created by Sara Myers who felt compelled to speak out against such a monumental step backwards for the UK. Sara says it is vital that Africans hold the keys to their own history. “The African narrative is always being told from a colonialist and imperialistic viewpoint, that they are the victors and we are victims, when there is so much more to African
history. It’s time to tell our own story. “

R.I.P. Joe Sample

"Joseph Leslie "Joe" Sample (February 1, 1939 – September 12, 2014) was an American pianistkeyboard player and composer."
"Since the early 1980s, he has enjoyed a successful solo career and has guested on many recordings by other performers and groups, including Miles DavisGeorge BensonJimmy WitherspoonB. B. KingEric Clapton,Steely Dan, and The Supremes. Sample incorporates jazz, gospel, blues, Latin, and classical forms into his music."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ray & Janay Rice - What does the Media want?

You've already seen the images. 
I turned on my TV this morning and the first image I saw was Ray Rice punching out his wife fiancé. That's enough already. What the hell is the point they are trying to make? Rice and his wife need to go to counselling if they want to overcome this problem that they have. It's not necessary to take his job, it's not necessary for the Rices to pay for every couple that has had a domestic violence situation (there must be tens or hundreds of thousands) in the US alone. This feels like a big time distraction that the media is trying to pull off. Slight of hand if you will. What is that we should be paying closer attention to. The shooting down of young Black men and women comes to mind. How about, the world may well be on the brink of a war in the Middle East that is even bigger than the last 4 or 5? Whatever it is we'd better start looking for it ourselves because the mass media seems to be stuck on the personal lives of one couple and instead of taking advantage of everyone's attention to demonstrate how this tragic situation might be alleviated with the help of professional social services they demonize the man and disregard the woman to the extent that it will be very difficult for this couple to salvage their union if that's what they want. Whatever the Rices do, it is hardly warranting top coverage on the news day after day. I can only think that the media has some kind of agenda or they are just so incompetent as to not be worth watching.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Kinda Awkward Note to America

Six black kids from #Ferguson, MO bluntly and sarcastically educate white America about the racist reality in 2014. Recruited from the very block where unarmed black teen Michael Brown was gunned down by a white police officer, these kids ranging in age from 6 to 13 years old, use sometimes uncomfortable humor to show white people the continued racism their generation faces. Armed ONLY with statistics (hands up, don't shoot) these articulate and adorable kids are not having it while much of white America would rather pretend racism is over.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A discourse delivered on the death of Capt. Paul Cuffe

A discourse delivered on the death of Capt. Paul Cuffe : before the New-York African Institution, in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, October 21, 1817 Paul Cuffee or Paul Cuffe (January 17, 1759 – September 9, 1817) was a Quaker businessman, sea captain, patriot, and abolitionist. He was of Aquinnah Wampanoag and West African Ashanti descent and helped colonize Sierra Leone. Cuffe built a lucrative shipping empire and established the first racially integrated school in Westport, Massachusetts.