
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Keith Wailo with Tavis

Time to be awake people.  Come together in our communities. Organize ourselves, inform ourselves, unite and protect ourselves. Some industries have no conscience whatsoever. Pharma can make genocide possible if we allow it. Be on your toes.

Give extra attention to Bobby Kennedy Jr. at 12 min. 20 sec. to 14 min 45 sec. regarding vaccines and Black people. You will see some very disturbing elements which appear to continue to be at play.

See links below for more info.

Minority Report: A Covert CDC Program Inoculated Black Babies with Deadly, Experimental Measles Vaccines

R.F. Kennedy Jr. regarding "Mercury, Vaccines, Autism & Black Boys

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak, Part 1

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak, Part 2

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