
Thursday, April 26, 2012

18 Tribute to Trayvon and All Youth Whose Lives were Cut Short

This song is something that should have been out there already, alas, if Trayvon hadn't been taken from us so suddenly that evening in Florida we might not be listening to it today. As you listen don't think only of Trayvon Martin, take the time to reflect on the thousands of other young Black men, women and children that we lose to gun violence in the hood every year. "18" is just the song we need to to be an Anthem to remind us of the young lives lost daily in our American communities throughout the country. I'm positive that Trayvon's family and friends would like to see this become bigger than the loss of their loved one, especially if in his honor we can bring ourselves to unite in a way like never before, to create a safe and nourturing environment for our youg people. I ask you to join with me to share this in every way you can ( facebook, google, onyour web sites, word of mouth and whatever elseyou can think of). To the point that it goes and stays viral until such time as we organize in a universal effort and resolve to bring this situation to an end, as Malcom X said "by any means necessary". Talk to your family and friends and neighbors about what it will take to bring this senseless loss of life to an end. Take it to your school organizations, political groups, community centers, barbershops, the beauty salons and your local government. Let's bring all the local organizations together in a massive effort. We have to start to end this now!

18 An Excellent work by Darryl Duncan.
  As an aside, I do not know, nor have any commercial or personal connection to the author of this song. 

 Homicide leading cause of death among young black males
 For nearly all teenagers, accidents are the most common cause of death, a national study has found. Yet for black males ages 12 to 19 years old, homicide eclipses accidents as the leading cause of death, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study released Wednesday. That troubling statistic — or, more accurately, the deeper problems underlying it — is garnering some local attention. Advocates say dramatic action is needed. Read more at

Young black males far more likely to be murder victims

Black youth and young adults are nearly five times more likely to be killed in California than the average young Californian. 

 Young African-American males have the most elevated homicide victimization rate of any race or gender group. Homicides involving firearms have been the leading cause of death for African-American males ages 15 to 19 since 1969. 

FACT: Nationwide for 2007, gun violence killed 3,067 American children and teens ages 19 and under, a decrease of 4.7% from the nationwide 2006 total of 3,218. The total number of children killed in 2007 included 2,161 homicides, 683 suicides, 138 unintentional, 25 legal intervention, and 60 undetermined intent. This means that an average of almost 9 young people are killed each day by guns in the U.S. Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence


  1. Thanks for sharing this information. I did share the video on Twitter.

  2. Thanks Marcie, your're the best! 10,000 to go :)
