
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton and super predator campaign donors.

I can't believe that as I look at the list of Hillary Clinton's "top campaign donors", that she had the nerve to refer to young Black boys as superpredators that needed to be brought to heel.

Will the REAL SUPER PREDATORS please stand up?
Any surprise that they are to be found among Hillary's campaign donors?
Why Super Predators, because they literally ruined millions of lives without no conscience no empathy then gave themselves extravagant bonuses on bailout money.

Goldman Sachs Power and Peril CNBC Documentary

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Festival Of Yoruba Arts - Art and design inspiration from around the world - CreativeRoots

Festival Of Yoruba Arts - Art and design inspiration from around the world - CreativeRoots: One of the most impressive artistic cultures in our world are the Yoruba people who live on the west coast of Africa. If you want to know a little more... Read more

Learn of Africa’s History Through Exquisite Antique Pieces of Art

Make no mistake Africa has a rich history of creativity and culture. We must take it upon ourselves to  seek out and teach this information to future generations.

16th century ivory mask from Benin

 Ife and Benin Kingdom (12th-19th century)