
Friday, January 24, 2014

Vive le Village!

The Global Village is where "we" hang out.
Let's make our music together.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Amiri Baraka "Somebody Blew Up America"

This poem created a lot of hubbub, apologies were called for, resignations
insisted on, people were horrified, indignities were expressed, fouls called.
What a mess.  All that because Somebody Blew Up America. JSMH

Black at U of M students spark national interest. #BBUM

  The #BBUM (Being Black at U of M) movement is attracting so much interest because it embodies a situation which has yet to be properly addressed in American life. In my opinion, the main issue is basically one of acknowledgement, that the whole is the sum of all of it's parts. We need to sit down and decide that nationally we are one people and that every institution of the state regards us all as such.
Racial, lingustic, cultural and religious differences in various combinations are all a potential source of great strength, if we don't allow ourselves to be divided over them. If all citizens feel included in the opportunities that this diversity can bring, rather than feeling threatened, then the resultant unity can be extremely empowering.
 Those in our government and institutions have been allowed for far too long, to go without properly addressing these issues. We the people likewise, have not gone far enough to taking those responsible to task. Do you really believe that we can survive as a nation, for much longer if we continue to ignore the basic fiber of our existance, all of our people and their well-being?
  Those who make up the mainstream or dominant American society are going to have to acknowledge that none of the wealth that they have access to would be possible without the contribution of so-called minorities. Native, African, Mexican and some Asian -Americans, have roots that go back many generations to before there was a USA. Not only that, they go back to before there were roads and fields, bridges, railroads  or any infrastructure whatever. As a matter of fact much, if not most of, what was constructed prior to 1900 was due directly or indirectly to the fruits of their labor. The agriculture, milling, shipping and refining and manufacturing industries were all, in large part only possible because of free labor.  Those who arrived after 1900 should consider themselves as beneficiaries of those whose forbearers had already been here for several hundred years if not more. If we take into consideration the brute value of the land and natural resources alone, then the gross injustice that's still being done should leap right into our minds. Those who believe they bare no responsibility for the past should likewise bare no benefit from the past if we are going to serve up justice with any semblance of equality. This is the conversation that has to take place in order for some to understand, why all of us must be included.  This basic intolerance and resistance to sharing the wealth is going to rip this country apart if it's not properly addressed pretty soon and then who receives what will be a moot point. Now is the time for everyone who understands this to speak up and make yourself heard.

 The above is only a part of what I want to discuss. Regardless what the rest of the country does, I expect African Americans to pay particular attention to the needs of our young people and to give them full support in their efforts to make a way for themselves. We have to increase our efforts on their behalf many fold and anticipate those needs and initiate long term solutions to those needs.

#BBUM The University of Michigan Students of Color make Demands of the Administration.

The talk about diversity in college and University

VraieBeauty Says Don't just tweet. Do Something.