
Who Speaks For The Negro?

Who Speaks for the Negro?
by Robert Penn Warren 
 This body of work is a must -see if you are interested in the voices of
African-Americans of the 1950s and 60s There is not much for me to say
other than go see for yourself and don't hesitate to share this info with
others that you think will appreciate it. Be prepared to make time
to listen to many hours of recorded interviews with prominent people
who were active in the movement for civil rights and equal opportunity.

These individuals are among those interviewed.

James Baldwin, Carroll Barber, Wiley Branton, Bridgeport (Conn.) men, Stokely Carmichael, Joe Carter, Septima Poinsette Clark, Felton Grandison Clark, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Dan W. Dodson, Ralph Ellison, Will D. Campbell, 
James Farmer, Jr., James Forman, Milton A. Galamison, Richard Gunn, Clarie Collins Harvey, William Hastie, Aaron Henry, Jackson State College students, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Montgomery Wordsworth King, Martin Luther King Jr., James M. Lawson, Jr., Gilbert Moses and Richard Murphy, Robert Moses, William Stuart Nelson, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Gloria St. Clair Hayes Richardson, Carl T. Rowan, Bayard Rustin, Kelly Miller Smith, William Stringfellow, Tougaloo College students, Ruth Turner, Wyatt Tee Walker, John Hervey Wheeler,  Roy Wilkins, Avon N. Williams, Jr., Stephen Wright, Malcolm X, Andrew Young, Whitney Young, 
Lolis Elie, Nils Douglas and Robert Collins
Ezell Blair, Stokely Carmichael, Lucy Thornton and Jean Wheeler

The Who Speaks for the Negro?  website is a digital archive of materials related to the book of the same name published by Robert Penn Warren in 1965.  The original materials are held at the University of Kentucky and Yale University Libraries.  We are indebted to both of these institutions for their willingness to share their collections in order to create a full digital record of Warren’s research for the book.  Robert Penn Warren’s children, Gabriel Warren and Rosanna Warren, have generously given their permission for this material to be made available publicly.

The archive consists of digitized versions of the original reel-to-reel recordings that Warren compiled for each of his interviewees as well as print materials related to the project.  All of the print materials appear on the website in two versions: an image of the original document which is not searchable and a re-transcribed document which is searchable.  When a search is implemented, the searched word or phrase will be highlighted within the re-typed document; the user will need to scroll through the document to find the highlighted search term.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Black in Latin America ( Episode 2 ) Cuba The Next Revolution

It took millions of Africans to build up the world.
It would not have happened without them.
Never let that fact slip your mind,
No matter where you were raised