
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Pastor Corey Brooks Is Walking Across America to raise awareness of the extreme state of violence and death in Black Chicago and other parts of the US and to raise money to help combat this situation. Isn't there something we, as Black Bloggers can do to help support this brother in his effort on OUR behalf? I'm checking  out his videos on youtube and the lack of interest is truly telling. It's obvious the we have not been carrying the ball very well.
Pastor Corey Brooks

The research may not be easy but why can't we try to have the good pastor have supporters meeting him and cheering him on as he passes through the country side or sending him emails of support or better yet money to help him in his endevours. We all know that Chicago is dire need of men like this more than ever.

 Please people let's go out of the way to create some buzz around this man's efforts or maybe just get out of the game because if we're not able to do this then maybe we're just kidding ourselves about the blogging thing.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Curtis Mayfield - So In Love- Black Music Month 2012

Curtis Mayfield is my pick for Black Music Month 2012
Whether it was a love song, an anthem or a song documenting life in the hood, Curtis Mayfield always sang it the "right" way.
Talent, Charm, Taste and Pride are words that come to my mind whenever I think of this brother and his work. Thank goodness he left us such an exemplory body of work through which we can remember ourselves as well as him.

Curtis Mayfield could describe our situation in a song  such as "Little Child Running Wild" then come up with solution in a song like "Move on up" This brother was a real messenger whose work we should keep alive, to inspire us daily.

Many Thanks Curtis, for everything. I can't possibly say enough to describe your contribution, we'll just have to let the music you left us speak for itself.