
Friday, January 23, 2009

Revolution Underground

Revolution Underground by Shani Carter

 Revolution Underground is a short video that
brings to the fore, some concerns and impressions
of young African Canadians and others from the
African diaspora. This production is right on time
and I hope it will be seen far and wide throughout 
the African Diaspora.

 The producer Ms Shani Carter at once a student,
a community activist with many irons in the fire, not
to mention, an artist. I doubt if her legacy will stop there
because she's just beginning.

 Props Shani!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Barack H. Obama 
44th President of 
The United States of America

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. - "A Revolution of Values"

"Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere"

The prophetic words of Dr. Martin Luther King.
still ring true -Let's review this not so famous speech.

"I'm Sorry Sir You Don't Know Me"

Now is the time to make that change happen.
We the people all want it.