
Monday, October 27, 2008

Black History Month UK Style

 OOOHHH, I'm Slippin', It's almost the end of October, which is Black History Month in the UK and I let it get right by me. I guess if I was a real Black Blogger, such a thing could never have happened. Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying, after all, nobody's perfect. It's a shame though that we here in the US, can't hook up with our brothers and sisters in the UK and share the Black History season . I mean the internet makes for an almost seamless venue where we can share our historic data. Maybe we can convince some of the African Nations that supplied the biggest part of the slave population to sponsor a diasporic history month to fall between October and February. At some point it should become quite apparent that much of our history is related in some measure. As a unifying force such an endeavor could be invaluable. IMO we have more in common than we know and a concentrated study of and by African around the world is long over due.

 At this late date I'm not going to start trying to find related historical data but I will try to point to a few relevant sites that I find for the remainder of the celebration.

Black History Month has been celebrated across the UK every October for over 30 years, each year growing from strength to strength. Black History Month is a time when we highlight and celebrate the achievements of the black community and uncover hidden history about our communities.

image - the original uniform for the Black Pioneers regiment