
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Nina Simone Speaks FromThe Heart

Nina, I wish we had more time, one love.

Musical Prodigy Nina Simone was truly one of a kind.  We've all heard her music, though I'm sure not many of us are aware of just how much music she actually has out there. Now let's take a  a few minutes to hear, in her own words, about some of her life experiences as she was practising her art.

Nina on Freedom

Nina Talks Blackness

Young Gifted and Black

Nina Talks Art and Activism

Nina Talks Music 1984

Tim Sebastian Interview with Nina on Hard Talk, 1999

Who knows where the time goes.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A concise message to "law enforcement" from the hood.

 I saw this video on FB and it struck me as one of the clearest messages that I have seen from a member of the Black community to law enforcement officers.  I felt like here's someone that is expressing the feelings of millions of Black Americans in a way, that I can safely say, speaks for nearly all of us. Ultimately it is a message not only to "law enforcement" but to the system that permits the widespread abuse of power that is employed by these "civil servants". The abuse which would not be possible without  at least some kind of tacit permission from the system at large.
 I urge you to share this message in the hopes that at least a few "good" people see it and absorb it's gravity and that those of us who are the recipients of this ill-treatment better understand the need to come together and actively work toward the resolution of this situation.