
Friday, October 12, 2012


Pastor Cory Brooks has completed his walk Across America today. This morning he arrived at the Staples Center in LA.

"On June 5, 2012 I embarked upon on the most grueling assignment of my life.  I started my walk across America in NYC’s Times Square with 10 other people." 

Corey Brooks ‏@CoreyBBrooks The walk is over but we have one more event. The Fundraiser the Bistro on Pico 5047 West Pico Blvd LA 6pm-9pm

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chimamanda Adichie: On Europe's own story of its colonial history.

Chimimanda Adichie tells us her impressions of Europe from her viewpoint, that  of someone from Africa who isn't familiar with Europe. She speaks about her reception in different European countries. She tells us how in her opinion Europe would like to erase their actual colonial history. I think she makes her point very clearly. I think Africans all over the world can relate on some level to that idea of European  erasure of our history, wherever in the world we find ourselves. Listen for yourself and see if her talk doesn't make you want to know even more about the complete history of Africa as well as the truth about the part that Europe played in the present day state of Africa and African people at home and abroad.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Black History for Columbus Day

The following file is courtesy of Jstor where one can find tons of info if you take the time to sift through the miriad of files on hand there.

Africans arriving in The New World with Spanish Explorers